Tuesday, 29 March 2011

Beste Bibliotheek van Nederland 2010!

On the 27th March 2010, a building of the architects Meijer en Van Schooten opened in the Stadhuisplein (City Council's Square) as our new library.

From Almere (III)

Soon, Almere's new Library was considered the Best Library 2010 of The Netherlands!

From Almere (III)

(To become a member, please, click here.)

Almere's Library is very modern and comfortable, as you can see in the photos below:

De Etalage where we can find all the new books recently acquired.

From Almere (III)

De Hoogspanning, the place to relax while reading a book (boek) or a magazine (tijdschrijf).

From Almere (III)

De Luwte where we can find books about hobbies, creativity, sports, games and pets (huisdieren).

From Almere (III)

De Living where women, specially, should feel at home. There are books and magazines about cooking (koken), gardens (tuinen), relations (relaties) and health (gezondheid).

From Almere (III)

Peuters and kleuteurs is the special place for the children to play, watch DVD's and listen to CD's.

From Almere (III)

De Doorkijk where we find books about Cultural History (cultuurgeschiedenis), Art (kunst) and Literature (literatuur).

From Almere (III)

De Versafdeling, or as we say in Portuguese, "a secção dos frescos", where we find all the fresh news about everything. Just name it!

From Almere (III)

De Achterbank and De Jeugd van tegenwoordig, specially for teenagers, where they can relax with their friends, read (lezen) and talk (praten).

From Almere (III)

From Almere (III)

Het Nieuwe lokaal where we can follow several workshops.

Het Stadstudiecentrum where we can study and work, with or without a computer, and if you wish, in the privacy of a studiecabine (study room).

From Almere (III)

De Nieuwe Zaal , where we can enjoy workshops, debates (debatten), lectures (lezingen) and special exhibitions (exposities).


The piano that we can play, if we wish to. :-)

From Almere (III)

The garden where we can relax and enjoy the sun... ;-)

From Almere (III)

From Almere (III)

Two of the corridors, or should I say, two of the sidewalks, from where we can watch the city center...

From Almere (III)

From Almere (III)

The stunning architecture...

From Almere (III)

From Almere (III)

From Almere (III)

Almere Stad Library is open between 10/17 hours on Saturday (zaterdag), Sunday (zondag) and Monday (maandag). During the rest of the week it's open between 10/20 hours.

As members of the library, we must pay a fee per year (abonnement per jaar).
There are different kinds of fees. Please, click here to choose the most suitable for you.

With all my heart ;-) Congratulations to the Almere's Library for its first year and the award of Best Library 2010 in The Netherlands! Very well deserved!

From Almere (III)


TBM said...

I ADORE libraries and this one looks like a wonderful one :) in Den Haag, Roxi was so happy to go and play one of the practice pianos before our things arrived. We used to like to hang out in the pod chairs near the cafe and watch the world go by while we wrote in out journals. Fun times! Thanks for bringing back great memories :)


Anonymous said...

Beste schrijfster van een klasse blog: Pracht bibliotheek en iets om trots op te zijn als ex-Nederlander! Kwam hier terecht via Bikim's blog... Kijk er van op dat niet méér mensen je ontdekt hebben. Maar het verbaast me steeds minder om te ontdekken dat kwaliteits blogs het onderspit moeten delven ten opzichte van diegenen die door plagiaat hun posts vullen en elkaar allemaal na-apen. We waren één keer in Portugal met een Arke reis vanuit Nederland voor 19 dagen Spanje - Portugal. Erg onder de indruk. Destijds heb ik nog als tolk gefungeerd voor onze groep die het erg vonden om niet met de jeugd te kunnen praten tijdens onze lunch stop. Toen heb ik mijn italiaans met spaans gemengd en we konden converseren en zo kon ik vragen over en weer uitleggen. Altijd interessant om met de lokalen te kunnen converseren, indien je tenminste interesse hebt in de persoon zoals die leeft in den vreemde.

Lieve groetjes vanuit Georgia/USA


Citizen_Stu said...

It's a very stylish library. The Dutch seem to do a good job with librarys.

Anita said...

This library has indeed everything. Oh, also books too, b.t.w. ...

Margarida Elias said...

Que maravilha! Bj!

Presépio no Canal said...

Hallo, Mariette :-)

Thank you for your compliments to Presepio and for becoming a follower :-) Very nice of you!
Yes, indeed, it's sad to see so many plagiarism situations. :-(
You arrived here via Bikim. So nice! I like her blog very much. Very creative and relaxing, isn't it?
You were in Portugal!! I'm so glad to hear that! The way you find to speak with the Portuguese, mixing Italian and Spanish, if I understood correctly, is funny. Reminds me the mix we usually do between Portuguese and Spanish-we call it "Portunhol"- to comunicate more easily with our land neighbours.
I wish you a wonderful day!

Lieve groetjes,


Presépio no Canal said...

Japra: So glad to hear the post brought you such good memories! ;-)

Stu: Besides this one, I only know Amsterdam's Library which I like very much. Oh, that view by night is gorgeous!

Anita, lembrei-me de ti quando fiz o post. Eu ja tinha publicado uma fotografia do edificio da Biblioteca e lembro-me que tu a achaste grande e bonita. :-)

Margarida: E linda, nao e? :-) Tambem a acho uma maravilha!

Unknown said...

It's such a lovely library, isn't it Sandra. I haven't explored it very well though - I had no idea there was a garden to sit outside!

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

GOEDE MORGEN dearest! WOW. I love the Dutch architecture and view of life. SO modern, clean and efficient!!! AND I UNDERSTOOD A LOT OF THE WORDS!!! Enjoy this lovely day dearest, Anita

Sara said...

Adoro bibliotecas e esta é extraordinária! Gosto muito da ambiência que criaram, do design, dos recantos, do bom-gosto, do encontro entre o interior e o exterior. Não deixa de ser um espaço a render homenagem aos livros e a tudo aquilo que nos podem proporcionar.
Beijinhos :)

Presépio no Canal said...

Neriss, indeed it is! ;-) We live in a great city! As you say, "Het kan in Almere" ;-)
Everything is possible here! :-) Stay well!

Sara: nao me canso de admira-la: a arquitectura, o jardim, os recantos. Tudo convida a ficar entre os livros... :-) Um dia que venhas aqui por estas bandas, vens ve-la. Estamos a 25 m de comboio de Amesterdao. ;-)
Beijinhos!! :-)

Presépio no Canal said...

Dear Anita! When do you come to NL? We are waiting!!! ;-)) We will speak in French, English, a mix of Portuguese and Spanish and a bit of Dutch!! It would be so funny!! ;-)) Beijinhos

ana said...

Maravilha, beleza, cheiro a livros, a luz, a sossego, ao silêncio sagrado que uma biblioteca oferece.
Não podia deixar de aplicar todos estes adjectivos porque sou fã incondicinal de bibliotecas. Esta tem um ambiente funcional e é arquitectonicamente primorosa.
Obrigada por esta partilha!
Bjs. :)

Presépio no Canal said...

Ha bibliotecas lindas, nao e, Ana? :-) As vezes, tenho umas saudades da Biblioteca do Palacio Galveias ou da Biblioteca Gulbenkian...
E a imponente e majestosa do Palacio-Convento de Mafra e um deleite para o olhar...

Unknown said...

This is a fantastic library! i would like to see it inside next time I visit Almere. Difficult to choose a favourite spot, though - every single corner is impressive.
Very good pictures, by the way - well done!! I hope they give you a free membership - AT LEAST! :D

Presépio no Canal said...

Welcome, Aledys!! :-)

isabel tiago said...

Bom dia Sandra

Hoje vim aqui ao Presépio, de fugida, como se costuma dizer!!! Tenho gostado das mais recentes postagens, do gato (é gato e basta!!!) e também da arquitectura(con c ou sem c???) moderna. Apesar de eu apreciar muito as construções antigas, não posso deixar de reconhecer o mérito de quem tem imaginação para desenhar estruturas insólitas, como algumas que vimos, um pouco por todo o mundo. Nalguns sítios, mais que outros!!!
Por cá. estamos algo murchos!!! Portugal à deriva!!!
Valha-nos o bom tempo pois já parece verão. Desejo-lhe continuidade de boa disposição e saúde.

P.S. Gostei da mala!!!

Boa semana.

Isabel Tiago

Presépio no Canal said...

Isabel :-) que bom ve-la por aqui! :-) e sempre um gosto, ja sabe! :-)
O gato esta gordito e ultimamente so quer e sol e quintal.
Eu nao concordo com o acordo ortografico, por isso, continuo a escrever conforme aprendi. ;-) "Arquitectura" para mim e com "c", tal como, em ingles ou frances.
Vou acompanhando as noticias sobre Portugal. Sei que nos ultimos seis anos a divida e o desemprego duplicaram. Mas como ja estava a espera, devido aos dislates a que temos vindo a assistir, nao me espantou. Pena que o FMI so entre agora (ja se sabia que a entrada era inevitavel ha muito tempo, infelizmente, devido a situacao em que ja nos encontravamos). Agora vai ser mais duro para as populacoes. Ha um ano, tinhamos tido melhores condicoes de negociacao. Agora, vamos precisar de muita ginastica e imaginacao com a gestao domestica.
Por outro lado, tambem nao tinhamos andado a pagar juros insustentaveis da divida soberana que agravaram ainda mais a situacao.
Houve avisos atempados que na altura foram chamados de "pessimistas". Mas como a verdade vem sempre ao de cima...agora ai esta. Pena, que como sempre, pague o justo pelo pecador.
Mas como diz a Isabel, o verao esta ai!
Vamos aproveitar para caminhadas, piqueniques, barbecues nos jardins, fotografia de plantas e passaros, tardes de praia. Temos de cuidar da nossa saude, o nosso bem mais valioso! ;-)
Beijinho grande, Isabel!