Friday, 25 March 2011

The Life in the City

Today I had a photography lesson.
The theme was "Het leven in de stad" (The Life in the City/A Vida na Cidade).
Some of the pics didn't turn out very well and I've only these ones to show you.

This is my story. In the city of Amersfoort.

Shall we have a coffee op dit gezellig terras?
Such a nice terrace, don't you think? ;-)
I like very much all this public art we find in The Netherlands.

From Amersfoort

What about a slice of Multi- Vlaai?
Vlaai is typical from Limburg.

From Amersfoort

Shall we go to the winkeltjes? I love cute, small and traditional stores! They are also so easy to find in The Netherlands!

From Amersfoort

From Amersfoort

We can stop by the open air market, if you wish to buy some Dutch cheese.

From Amersfoort

Or some beautiful and colorful fabrics...

From Amersfoort

Funny, this market stall! "Goedkoper" means "cheaper" or "mais barato". According with the crisis, you see? ;-)

From Amersfoort

Then we can go to the boekenwinkel.

From Amersfoort

After all, we are celebrating the boekenweek (Books Week/A Semana dos Livros).

From Amersfoort

Dutch streets are always full of life, don't you think?

From Amersfoort

From Amersfoort

From Amersfoort

I hope you have enjoyed this day in the city!

Have a nice weekend! :-)

Bastiaan Ragas, Dit is mijn stad

De stad is van steen,
maar gebouwd met de liefde van het land eromheen.
Ze bespiegeld gevoel, ze kleurt je gedachte,
geeft woorden een reden en je daden een doel.

Dit is mijn leven, dit is mijn stad,
hier voel ik me veilig, hier ligt mijn hart.
De straten en de pleinen
Ik ken ze allemaal.
Dit is mijn verhaal.

Laat me maar gaan,
Ik kijk over grenzen die lang niet meer bestaan.
Ik voel me hier thuis,
Want je proeft hier de vrijheid.
Ben een man van de wereld,
maar hier staat mijn huis.

Dit is mijn leven, dit is mijn stad.
hier voel ik me veilig, hier ligt mijn hart.
De straten en de pleinen
Ik ken ze allemaal.
Dit is mijn verhaal.

Dit is mijn leven, dit is mijn stad,
hier voel ik me veilig, hier ligt mijn hart.
De straten en de pleinen
Ik ken ze allemaal.
Dit is mijn verhaal.

Ik wil nooit meer iets anders,
Mijn hart ligt hier verankerd.
Ze begrijpt me als ik haar zeg:
’t is de plek waarvan ik droom,
waar ik bid en werk en woon.
Ik wil hier gewoon niet meer weg

Dit is mijn leven, dit is mijn stad,
hier voel ik me veilig, hier ligt mijn hart.
De straten en de pleinen,
Ik ken ze allemaal.
Dit is mijn verhaal.

En het werd me gegeven,
Als een dag in de zon.
Hier ligt m’n verleden waar ik ooit begon.
Je kunt hier oud en jong zijn, want ze spreekt dezelfde taal.
Dit is mijn verhaal
Dit is mijn verhaal.


Margarida Elias said...

Gostei muito, um belo passeio. Bj!:)

Presépio no Canal said...

Andei tanto...:-))
Va la que ja esta bom tempo ;-)
No entanto, perdi algumas fotos de situacoes bem giras. Ficaram tremidas. Hoje estou muito cansada. Foi isso.

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Oh this is so special to me dearest, for I love your world and my dear, dear Dutch friends....this is FABULOUS!!!!! Your gift of tourism of the heart is splendid....Anita

Sara said...

Esta é uma excelente ideia! E o passeio soube-me muito bem! Já fiz isto uma ou outra vez, aqui em Portugal, e dá-nos oportunidade para reparar em situações e pormenores quotidianos que, no corre-corre diário, nos passam despercebidos. Não sei se também te aconteceu...
Beijinhos e que tenhas um excelente fm-de-semana!

Presépio no Canal said...

Anita: Obrigada! :-) I will keep you posted about NL! I'm sure you would like the old and tradional stores. I know you...;-) Bisous!!

Sara: neste post, procurei mostrar o que mais gosto das cidades Holandesas, o que me encantou na primeira vez que aqui cheguei e me fez esplanadas e os mercados ao ar livre [ha poucos centros comerciais, amen], as lojinhas [o pequeno comercio ainda existe por aqui], as pessoas na rua [ha mais mulheres a trabalhar em part-me que em Portugal] , as criancas [ha muitas!! nao creio que aqui se possa falar em baixa taxa de natalidade], os velhotes nas scootters [e la vao eles a todo o lado, mesmo com limitacoes],...:-) e agora lembrei-me de uma serie de cidades Portuguesas que tambem gosto pelas mesmas razoes...:-)

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Oh beautiful soul, what KIND WORDS that certainly will ECHO in eternity, as we fly, free as a bird......MILLE BISES, MUCHOS BESOS, Anita

whiteadi said...

Hello Sandra!
Your new post it's really great-I think what u do it's so nice and helpfull -for peoples and their knoledges.Somethimes ,through your photos ,u succed to make the ,,color'' of living in NL more brightfull.
So,i wish u a good and fine future in this ,,litherary'' field,also!


Presépio no Canal said...

Mihaela :-) Thank you! You are very sweet!
Oh, I have so much to learn yet!
Beijinhos! :-)

bikim said...

k máximo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! tão bom aprender! ora aí está uma k adorava!
sai um award para ti!!! vai ao meu blog buscá-lo, por favor! espero que gostes!

Presépio no Canal said...

Hallo, Rosa :-)

Que boa surpresa!!! Obrigada!!Bjs!! E Ate ja!!

isabel tiago said...

Eu passava-me perante estes cenários coloridos, vassouras e etc e etc. Adorei estas fotos!!!

Isabel Tiago

Presépio no Canal said...

Por acaso, lembrei-me de si, Isabel :-) Calculei que gostaria! :-) Bjs!