Monday 8 November 2010

A November afternoon with Raquel

These are the photos I took when my friend Raquel from Catalonia came to Tussen de Vaarten to spend last Sunday afternoon with me.

We went for a walk in the neighbourhood...

From Almere (III)

I wanted to show her the buildings and it was her who brought my attention to the faces in this one ;-)

From Almere (III)

We stayed a while by the lake...

From Almere (III)

From Almere (III)

to watch the swans...

From Almere (III)

From Almere (III)

and enjoy the light of this November afternoon...

From Almere (III)

From Almere (III)

So, do you like my neighbourhood?


Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

I LOVE YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD dearest; I so long to go there....Anita

TBM said...

That first photo... swoon!! So beautiful and perfect, dear Sandra! <3

ana said...

As fotografias são repousantes, transmitem a calma e a tranquilidade precisa para retomar as energias necessárias à fruição dos dias.
Boas vivências e um excelente dia! :)

Presépio no Canal said...

Ola, Rosa ;-)

Nos Paises Baixos, habituei-me a ver cisnes quase diariamente nos canais ou nos lagos. Bjs!

Hi, Anita;-)

I'm so glad you liked it! Bisous!! One day you will come here to visit me!

Hi, Japra ;-)

My favorite photo too!!! ;-)) Beijinhos!

Ola. Ana ;-)

Obrigada, Ana! Para si tambem! ;-) O bairro e repousante e foi isso que nos atraiu, essa beleza tranquila! Bjs!