Friday, 28 January 2011

A Portuguese mother in the Netherlands

Her name is Teresa. She is Portuguese, born in Lisbon and raised in the south margin of Tagus river, a beautiful area of Atlantic beaches, old villages, palaces and castles, tasty food and good wines. Now, she is living here, in the Netherlands, where she and her Portuguese husband work. She began to write her blog last March, after becoming pregnant. Teresa, her husband and their son David, born last October, and the two family's cats, are the Fabulous Five whose history you can follow in Os 5 na Holanda.
I like her blog very much. She is funny, has a very good sense of humor, subtle and provocative, her writing is light in the form and deep in the content. By reading her blog, we follow the journey of a woman in a very different country from her own, without family and old friends around, who became pregnant and has to deal with different pregnancy care traditions and habits.
Teresa takes us on a special journey. I recommend to all the women who are expats or want to be, or simply have curiosity for other cultures, to read her blog. Teresa's blog is written in Portuguese.
These are the links to some useful and interesting entries:
As Parteiras
O seguro de saude
A primeira consulta
As regalias sociais nos paises do primeiro mundo
Besides that, you'll get to know what David likes ;-)


Unknown said...

THanks for the recommendation! I will visit her blog and... continue to improve my reading skills in Portuguese :D

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Dearest Sandra,

I must visit your friend's blog, for coming from you, this recommendation has some weight to it! I love how you describe her writing as "light but with deep content." I think that is how I desire to write...thank you and also for coming to visit and leaving your MAGIC DUST of friendship behind...MILLE BISES, Anita

Teresa said...

Então e agora? Fiquei mesmo sem palavras ao ler todos estes elogios. Muito obrigada por leres as aventuras dos 5 e por recomendares o meu blog aos teus leitores. Sempre gostei muito de escrever e viver uma gravidez tão longe de todos fez-me querer encurtar a distância através do blog. Fico feliz se puder ajudar alguém com a partilha das minhas experiências.
Todos os leitores do presépio são muito bem-vindos na casa dos 5.
Mais uma vez obrigada pelo destaque. Beijinhos.

Presépio no Canal said...

@ Nos e que agradecemos o servico publico que estas a prestar ;-) Toda a informacao que partilhas e muito util e relevante. E no inicio de uma aventura como e o expatriamento, ha sempre tantas duvidas, tantas perguntas...blogues como o teu fazem imensa falta, e toda a diferenca. Continua, Teresa!