Tuesday, 11 January 2011

I will be away for a while...

Dear friends, readers and followers,

I will be away for a while...

I leave you with my dear Pedro Abrunhosa, a great composer and musician from Oporto, North of Portugal. If you speak Portuguese, listen his last interview given to Manuel Luis Goucha. A great one, in my opinion!

Pedro Abrunhosa, Se eu fosse um dia o teu olhar

Pedro Abrunhosa, Tudo o que te dou

Pedro Abrunhosa, Momento

I will come back soon, just need a time for myself and to rest a bit :-) Like Pedro, sometimes, I need some silence ;-) ...
Enjoy the music! :-)


Unknown said...

Gracias por muzicalizar mi mañana! I love this music, his voice sounds familiar, maybe I had heard him before but I didn't know his name. Ideal for this time of the day.
Beijinhos Sandrinha!

Margarida Elias said...

Bom descanso!

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Oh I hope all is well....thinking of you dearest, Anita

Presépio no Canal said...

@Aledys: Probably, you have listened him here before...:-)
@Margarida: Obrigada, amiga! Preciso mesmo de descansar por uns tempos...
Envio-te um mail mais tarde! Beijinhos :-)
@Anita: I need to stop for a while. I will write you an email soon. Mille bisous, my friend! :-)

ana said...

Compreendo bem esta pausa. Por momentos parece que perdemos a criatividade e estamos vazios. Daí o sossego e o silêncio como a purificação da alma.
beijinhos e até já! :)

Presépio no Canal said...

@Ana: por acaso, tenho uma serie de temas e material para entrar, mas nao tenho tempo agora. Ainda estou em arrumacoes. Esta casa e mais pequena e com uma disposicao e arquitectura diferentes e tenho andado a desfazer-me de muita coisa (sem qualquer pena, devo dizer). Cada vez estou mais numa de simplificacao...

Sara said...

Bom descanso e que voltes renovada!

Beijinhos :))

Presépio no Canal said...

@ Ai, volto, volto ;-) renovada e leve ;-))...olha para mim a fazer sacos para dar...e coisas para deitar fora...;-))
Beijinhos e obrigada pela visita ;-))

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Good morning my sweet! It is so nice to have you visit me even though you are on a "leave" for the time being! RAIN CHEZ TOI? Oh, I keep hearing about the rain in Europe! All is quiet and WHITE here...not TOO COLD...hopefully we will continue with decent weather to usher us into spring around late April!


Presépio no Canal said...

@ Rosa :-)) so do blog, so do blog...Bjs!!

TBM said...

Hope you are doing a lovely break, dearest Sandra! I know what you mean about needing a bit of silence. It is good to take a bit of a time out.

I love this singer! And listening to him reminds me of how much I love Portuguese. Maybe I need to see how much I can learn before our trip next month ;-)


Presépio no Canal said...

@ Japra: anything you need, just say it, ok :-)
It's cold now in Portugal. Cross fingers for a better weather next month!

A bit of Portuguese:

Bom Dia!/ Good morning!
Boa Tarde!/ Good afternoon!
Boa Noite!/ Good evening! or Good Night!
Obrigada! or Obrigado! ( the first one if it's a lady speaking)/ Thank you!
Faz favor!/Please!
Beijos!/ Kisses! ;-))