Saturday, 1 January 2011




From Coisas Minhas

Yesterday, after watching a Riverdance Show on TV and having our dinner [crab, prawns and flan pudding], we went to the lake with a bottle of champagne, two glasses and 12 raisins, one for each month of the year.
When we arrived there, we sat down in a bench to watch the fireworks. Nobody was there. It was a show only for us :-)
I guess the people were by the canal firing up their fireworks. We could not see them because of the buildings between the canal and the lake.
The City Hall didn't organize the show we saw. In the Netherlands, people buy a lot of fireworks to use in the New Year's Eve. And someone had bought beautiful fireworks for last night... :-)
After the show, we went home to eat Caldo Verde, a traditional Portuguese soup which we usually eat on this day.
We also ate oliebollen. This is a Dutch tradition of New Year's Eve. :-)
We had an invitation to spend this night with some friends, but we decided to stay home in a more quiet way :-)
We have been very lazy... :-))
Meanwhile, I received a mail from my friend Aida who asked me if I know the Dutch painter Unamore from Amsterdam. She is having an exhibition in Portugal.
I didn't know Unamore, so I went to her website to see her work. I liked it very much. :-)
It's refreshing to learn something new in the first day of the year! :-)
I have also received another pleasant mail today. Aledys has nominated Presepio for the 2011 Weblogs Awards [ European Weblog and Best Travel Weblog categories]. If you want to nominate Presepio, please click here. You can also nominate Presepio for Best Photography Blog. :-) Thank you!
Have a Great Year!

Let's sing As Janeiras... a Portuguese tradition between the 1st and the 6th January. Several groups go door to door singing this song [or others], wishing a Happy New Year to their neighbours and friends, who offer them the leftovers from the Christmas holidays.


Jacoba said...

Hi Sandra,
It is nice that you chose your own way to celebrate the New Year. I shall remember your ritual of the 12 raisins for each month of the new year.
My eldest sister always goes to a park nearby overlooking the river, no one there and then uncorks the bottle of champagne. I think it is nice to be private and close to one's self at certain moments.
Your picture is very pretty.
I tried to take one, but it looked more like a mammography than a picture of fireworks, so I deleted it.
I wish you a lot of discoveries in the New Year and a lot of happyness in Holland.

Presépio no Canal said...

@ Jacoba: Funny your comparison with a mamography :-)) Thank you so much for your good wishes! I wish you all the best for 2011 too :-) Veel kusjes!!

Unknown said...

Nice way to say good-bye to 2010 and to receive the New Year. We stayed home and watched the fireworks through the window. We too did the 12 grapes ritual and we had my in-laws doing it too - they thought it was fun... and then they panicked bec. they thought they had eaten just 11 instead of 12 - did that mean that one month of the year was not going to be too lucky? :D
I nominated your blog because I think that you have been covering different aspects of Dutch culture and showing also other places around Europe through your beautiful photos. The best of lucks for final!

Presépio no Canal said...

@ Aledys: Funny story about your in-laws :-))
Thanks for the nomination, Aledys!
Very nice of you! :-) Tomorrow I will do mine too ;-)

ana said...

A fotografia é linda. Também costumo comer caldo verde na passagem do ano, isto é, já no ano novo. Mas este ano não!

Parabéns pelo seu blog e beijinhos!

Presépio no Canal said...

@Ana: Obrigada :-) Sera que o Presepio vai ter muitas noeacoes? Era bom :-) A todos os que quiserem nomearem, agradeco :-)
FELIZ ANO NOVO para si tambem, Ana!


Presépio no Canal said...

@ Ana, desculpe as gralhas, que aproveito para corrigir: " muitas nomeacoes" e " a todos os que quiserem nomea-lo". :-)

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

GOOD MORNING DEAREST SANDRA! What a fine way to ring in another wonderful year of love and FRIENDSHIP!!! Anita

Presépio no Canal said...

@ Sweet Ana, as you I think it's the most important of all :-)

Luisa said...

Feliz 2011!

Beijinho, Sandra


Presépio no Canal said...

Ola, Luisa :-)

Obrigada :-) Para si tambem :-)

Beijinho :-)

CICL said...

Feliz Ano Novo... beijos... tudo de bom...

Presépio no Canal said...

Ola, Cristina :-)

Feliz Ano Novo :-)
Muitos beijinhos e igualmente tudo de bom :-)

Que boa visita! Fiquei contente :-)
