Tuesday, 27 March 2012


Now that the Winter is gone,

From Coisas Minhas II

and the Spring has arrived,

From Coisas Minhas II

the weather has been gorgeous...

From Coisas Minhas II

and I have been enjoying these fantastic days...:-)

Flowers on the table...

From Coisas Minhas II

Flowers in the kitchen...

From Coisas Minhas II

New gardening gloves...

From Coisas Minhas II

Shopping camellias for the front garden...

From Coisas Minhas II

Enjoying with dear friends the first barbecue of the season...

From Coisas Minhas II

going for long walks together...

From Coisas Minhas II

 enjoying a quiet, simple and delicious dinner at home...

From Coisas Minhas II

or going for the first time this year to our favourite restaurant in Almere...

From Coisas Minhas II

I know that I've been happy these days...;-)

And I'm already preparing Easter...:-)

From Coisas Minhas II

Happiness is like a butterfly; the more you chase it, the more it will elude you, but if you turn your attention to other things, it will come and sit softly on your shoulder ... (Henri David Thoreau)



Unknown said...

Mooie foto's, Sandra!! I like your tablecloth and you're gloves!
The picture of the table for the bbq with the twins (are they twins?) at the other end of the table is funny and cute!!

Margarida Elias said...

Gostei de tudo! Especialmente do ninho e também da citação. A comida fez-me fome...:-)Bjs!

Presépio no Canal said...

Aledys: I bought them at Blokker. They were the last ones at the store. I received their folder in the previous day, but it seems I arrived late as usual :-)) The Dutch are so quickly when there are discounts going on. :-))

Margarida: Tambem sao os meus favoritos, o ninho e a citacao. Beijos!! :-))

Unknown said...

Blokker? I don't think I saw them here where I live, but then, I wasn't probably looking.
I just noticed that I wrote, "you're gloves", guess it was the automatic keyboard from my mobile that chooses words for me! Grrrr....

Presépio no Canal said...

:-)) Don't blame your poor automatic keyboard :-)) It's you, only you :-))) Nevermind, i wrote "quite" instead of "quiet". But now it is fine ;-) Some words are very similar and it's easy to use one instead of the other. ;-)
specially after a Latin lunch or dinner;-)) if you know what I mean :-)) The wine was so lekker ;-))) Must go now...Bjs!
PS: and now it is your turn to say "Don't blame the lunch nad the wine. It's you, only you. No grey cells at all" :-)))

Sami said...

Uma feliz Primavera e Páscoa também. Lindas flores!

Presépio no Canal said...

Obrigada, Sami. Para si, tambem! :-) Gosto muito de flores. Dao muita alegria a casa. ;-)
Beijinhos! :-)

Travel France Online said...

I think we are all so happy about Spring! :)

Presépio no Canal said...

:-) So true, DeeBee! :-)

ana said...

Que fotografias mais lindas!
Uma Primavera vista de dentro para fora. Gostei muito.
Parabéns Sandra!
Beijinho. :)

Presépio no Canal said...

Obrigada, Ana :-) However, o vento, o frio e o cinzento voltaram hoje e vao ficar, pelo menos, uma semana...
Por isso, tivemos que aproveitar enquanto durou ;-)
Beijinho! :-)

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Oh how that last quote is so true, SO TRUE!!!

SANDRA DEAREST! THANK YOU FOR COMING to wish me well with your kind words and THIS POST is so refreshing my dear. THANK YOU, MERCI, GRACIAS, DANK U!!!!


Sara said...

Este é o início do que chamo "semestre radioso", que compreende a Primavera e o Verão. E embora o trabalho nos leve muitas horas, há sempre maiores possibilidades para bons programas.
Beijinhos e uma Primavera bonita para ti!

Presépio no Canal said...

Obrigada, Sara! Para ti tambem :-)
Enjoy your Sunday! Por aqui, o frio voltou a atacar...

Sara said...

Uma breve passagem para te desejar uma MUITO FELIZ Páscoa.
