I received many flyers during the week, specially in the weekend!
Lately, more and more flyers about flowers, gardening, garden furniture, garden tools,...
There are so many offers, so many options...
But these are my favorite ones...with bird houses...
Typische Hollandse Vogelhuisjes ;-) They are so cute!
"In mei leggen alle vogels een ei."/ Em Maio, todos os passaros põem um ovo./ In May all the birds lay one egg.
Well, Spring has begun already... ;-)
Hallo Lente! /Ola, Primavera!/Hello Spring!
I like this flyer... so many bloemen (flores/flowers)!
The Dutch like their gardens very much... :-) and when Spring arrives...
Aan de slag!/ Ao trabalho!/ It's time to work!
It's time to buy some Tuinmeubelen/Mobiliario de Jardim/Garden Furniture...
tuinset (conjunto de jardim/garden set)
tafel (mesa/table)
stoel (cadeira/chair)
kussens (almofadas/pillows)
...and sitting outside (buiten)...in the achtertuin or in the voortuin...
It's time to buy a new vaas (vaso/vase) or new planten (plantas/plants)...
We should, of course, visit different stores and compare the prices...
Alles voor buiten is binnen!/ Tudo para o exterior esta aqui dentro!/Everything for the outside is inside!
Een moment voor jezelf!/ Um momento para si!/ One moment for yourself!
Eindeloos genieten!/ Prazeres sem fim!/Endless pleasures!
In a tuincentrum, we can find also...
kruiden (ervas/herbs)
fruitbomen (arvores de fruto/fruit trees)
rozemarijn (rosmaninho/rosemary)
olijfboom (oliveira/olive tree)
...and good stuff to take care of the gazon (relva/grass) and the bodem (solo/soil)...
meststof (fertilizante/fertilizer)
grasschaar (tesoura de relva/ grass cutter)
grasmaaier (maquina de cortar relva/lawnmower)
rubbermat (tapete de borracha/rubber mat)
More options are...
Leen Bakker
Garden Gallery
4 Seasons Outdoor Furniture
What do you think about the garden collections?
What is your favorite store?
What do you think about the prices?
How is your garden?
What do you like the most?
Share your experience if you want to. I'm quite new on this...this week, I worked very much, cleaning the achtertuin (backyard) and searching for information to get it more confortable...
There is so much to learn and do...so many stores to visit, prices to compare...I want something simple and gezellig (cosy), of course...What do you suggest?
Lately, more and more flyers about flowers, gardening, garden furniture, garden tools,...
There are so many offers, so many options...
But these are my favorite ones...with bird houses...
Typische Hollandse Vogelhuisjes ;-) They are so cute!
"In mei leggen alle vogels een ei."/ Em Maio, todos os passaros põem um ovo./ In May all the birds lay one egg.
From Coisas Minhas |
Well, Spring has begun already... ;-)
Hallo Lente! /Ola, Primavera!/Hello Spring!
I like this flyer... so many bloemen (flores/flowers)!
From Coisas Minhas |
The Dutch like their gardens very much... :-) and when Spring arrives...
Aan de slag!/ Ao trabalho!/ It's time to work!
From Coisas Minhas |
It's time to buy some Tuinmeubelen/Mobiliario de Jardim/Garden Furniture...
tuinset (conjunto de jardim/garden set)
tafel (mesa/table)
stoel (cadeira/chair)
kussens (almofadas/pillows)
...and sitting outside (buiten)...in the achtertuin or in the voortuin...
From Coisas Minhas |
From Coisas Minhas |
It's time to buy a new vaas (vaso/vase) or new planten (plantas/plants)...
From Coisas Minhas |
We should, of course, visit different stores and compare the prices...
Alles voor buiten is binnen!/ Tudo para o exterior esta aqui dentro!/Everything for the outside is inside!
From Coisas Minhas |
Een moment voor jezelf!/ Um momento para si!/ One moment for yourself!
From Coisas Minhas |
Eindeloos genieten!/ Prazeres sem fim!/Endless pleasures!
From Coisas Minhas |
In a tuincentrum, we can find also...
kruiden (ervas/herbs)
fruitbomen (arvores de fruto/fruit trees)
rozemarijn (rosmaninho/rosemary)
olijfboom (oliveira/olive tree)
From Coisas Minhas |
...and good stuff to take care of the gazon (relva/grass) and the bodem (solo/soil)...
meststof (fertilizante/fertilizer)
grasschaar (tesoura de relva/ grass cutter)
grasmaaier (maquina de cortar relva/lawnmower)
rubbermat (tapete de borracha/rubber mat)
From Coisas Minhas |
More options are...
Leen Bakker
From Coisas Minhas |
From Coisas Minhas |
From Coisas Minhas |
Garden Gallery
From Coisas Minhas |
4 Seasons Outdoor Furniture
From Coisas Minhas |
What do you think about the garden collections?
What is your favorite store?
What do you think about the prices?
How is your garden?
What do you like the most?
Share your experience if you want to. I'm quite new on this...this week, I worked very much, cleaning the achtertuin (backyard) and searching for information to get it more confortable...
There is so much to learn and do...so many stores to visit, prices to compare...I want something simple and gezellig (cosy), of course...What do you suggest?
Sandra! Thank you for this look into the Dutch garden life! Oh, this is so exciting, seeing everyone's style and approach to such a fun season...and I bet the Dutch just love the outdoors, nature and the beauty of spring! ENJOY! Anita
yes, they do! And like that very much! Mille bisous!
I mean: And I like that very much! :-)
You read them all? hehehe
I hardly open half of them.
We visited Tuincentrum (i think it's name also is that only) last weekend for out plant shopping, other than that there is "Tuincentrum De Driesprong" near our place, that is very nice too.
I haven't been very regular on blogs lately due to work pressures, seems like have got lot to catch up on your blog too. I am hoping to be more regular now.
Like me, like me...busy times...
I will see the tuincentrum that you suggest ;-)
I need some flowers and plants for the backyard ;-)
Thank's Lopa ;-)
Have a nice day! Enjoy the sun! ;-)
normalmente nao visito muito os centros de jardinagem por ter escolhido para o jardim plantas fixas que todos os anos voltam a florir. Escolhi anabelas e hortensias de varias cores. crescem imenso e dao muita cor ao jardim. depois para tapar a separacao de madeira, klimop (hedera ou trepadeira) com a vantagem de ficarem verdes no inverno e nao perderem a folha e tambem tenho bambus pela mesma razao... verde o ano inteiro e adoro o barulho das folhas ao vento!
Para a mesa de jardim compro sim todos os anos algumas plantas da epoca com as quais faco um arranjo dentro de um cesto de verga...
tambem plantei aqui ha uns anos platanos e no jardim da frente a separacao e toda em sebe verde (buxus e beuk, faia em portugues, porque nao perde a folha mas no outono ganha uma cor dourada voltando ao verde na primavera)!
Os folders e todos os anos a mesma coisa e acho tudo tao caro! normalmente vou aqui localmente a um centro menos conhecido e com plantas de boa qualidade e quase por metade do preco...
Um dia tambem devias experimentar um 'pluk tuin', jardins particulares que alguns dias por ano abrem e a troca de um preco simpatico se podem colher flores... muito giro com criancas ou amigos...
desejo-te boa sorte com o teu jardim e pensa que e um projecto a longo termo... o meu jardim levou-me uns bons cinco anos a acabar... nem todas as plantas aguentaram em termos de sol e nem tudo resultou como queria(mos)... a minha sugestao, nao compres muito de uma so vez e opta por plantas fixas...
Sonia, adorei todas as tuas ideias!!!
Tambem acho tudo muito caro o que aparece nos folders.
Amei a ideia dos pluk tuin ;-) gostei mesmo muito. Podes dar alguns exemplos? existe algum site com essa informacao?
Como se chama o centro menos conhecido e onde fica?
Gosto da ideia das hortensias e dos bambus (alguem aqui em casa ja viveu nas ilhas))). Acho que deve ficar muito bonito! e a ideia da sebe do jardim da frente tb esta muito gira!!!
Obrigada ;-) Adorei tudo!!!Beijinhos ;-)
Bice display of brochures and flyers, Sandra! "folder" is Dutch for "brochure", though they also use the English word...
I don't get any "folders" any more, I put a sticker on my door to stop getting them. Dat is beter voor het milieu ;o) (that's better for the envirnment)
But when you look at these brochures you feel like buying everything!!!
We have an Intratuin here in Z. and it's very nice. I can spend hours inside there looking around!
Some times we buy plants there, but we also get some from the local groenteboer who also gives you more personalised advice.
Patio furniture is sooooooooooo expensive, isn't it?!
ja, that's right, Patio furniture is so expensive! Not this year!
Personal advice is more my way! ;-)
I can go to Z. and talk to your groenteboer ;-)
I love how you've shared this! And true, the ads are teeming full with the gardening goods.
I like a lot of items I see in the gardens of other people, but try to make my own style. And our garden is still coming together, so we have been busy making plans and sharing ideas in our home. I agree the Dutch do really enjoy their gardens too! My favorite store is a toss up between Karwei and Intratuin, and I like Jan Boomkamp in Borne. The prices are not always affordable, but it depends on what we're looking for. Lately the prices keep going lower on the items we truly would like to have added, thankfully ;-)
I also like how you've made a photo slide show of your blog awards! What a clever idea :-)
Isabella, thank you for your suggestion!
I will see it too ;-) I'm curious now about that store ;-)
The folders can give an ideia of the options, but this sharing of experiences is even better ;-) I feel more confortable with some good advies ;-)
This year is to see, to compare, to think about the options, get some ideas...;-) So, any help is heel goed!
Beijinhos ;-) and have a nice day! Enjoy the sun!
This is so lovely. I would always glance across these booklets until I decided to move to a new house!! And now I just cant stop turning the pages to check out whats news and what are the deals:)
Oh, yes, indeed, Arwa ;-) Moving is a goed time to renew, to see new options! it s good for the soul! ;-) Enjoy it! ;-)
Presepio! Such a smart way to post an article! I absolutely love plants! I try what I can can in my small student housing studio, which is not much! But these flowers, make you feel so wonderful! I would love to see the pictures of your garden someday! :)
I put already some photos ;-) See the post "Search the wonder" ;-)
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