Monday, 12 March 2012

Presépio in the International Almere Site

The post "My A-Z of the Netherlands: A is for Almere" was published in the  International Almere site!

Thank you Connie for the invitation and to you too, Sonja, for all the support you gave me with the post!

If you are coming to The Netherlands, more precisely to Almere, please, take a look at IA's site! You will find very useful information about Expat Life and Integration in Dutch Society!

I will be there sometimes!

Here the interview that Connie gave to Presépio about International Almere in December 2010!

By the way, International Almere is celebrating its second anniversary! Congratulations IA!

Have Fun!


Unknown said...

Congratulations, Sandrinha!!! :)

Presépio no Canal said...

Thank you, Ebercita! :-)

I just saw your email! I'll check about the bus!
I'm so curious about your plans :-)))


Sara said...

E parabéns para ti por esta colaboração que, estou certa, será proveitosa para todos.

Beijinho de boa semana!

Presépio no Canal said...

Obrigada, Sara! Creio que sim. A equipa e muito dinamica! A Sonja tem feito um excelente trabalho com o site e a Connie e a grande dinamizadora do grupo. O IA e muito importante para a comunidade de expats, pois oferece varias vertentes de apoio. Aconselho a todos os que pretendem emigrar para uma determinada cidade, a verificar se ha ou nao um grupo de expats. Eu nao fiz isso, e fiz mal. Teria sentido menos solidao no inicio. A Connie e que me descobriu atraves do blogue por causa de um post sobre o Beatrix Park (ha tres anos, acho).

Beijinhos e Boa Semana para ti tambem! :-)

restlessjo said...


Presépio no Canal said...

Obrigada, Jo! :-)

Sami said...

Congratulations Sandra, nice that your post on Almere was reposted for the expats.

Presépio no Canal said...

Thank you, Sami! :-) I'm very glad with it! :-)
I like IA's site very much and I appreciate the help they give to the expat community. Have you something similar in Perth? :-)



Castles Crowns and Cottages said...


Presépio no Canal said...