Wednesday, 8 December 2010

Duke of Braganca in the last Dutch Royal Family wedding

The last Dutch Royal Family wedding:

Wedding of Carlos de Bourbon-Parma, Duke of Parma, nephew of Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands, son of Princess Irene of the Netherlands and the Duke Carlos Hugo de Bourbon-Parma, with Annemarie Gualthérie van Weezel, in November, 20, 2010, Brussels.

Do you know who is the gentleman next to Queen Beatrix? (the video is no longer available) If Portugal was a monarchy, as it was until 1910, this gentleman would be our king. His name is Duarte Pio, Duke of Braganca. His grandaunt, the Portuguese Princess, Maria Antonia de Braganca, was the grandmother of the the late Duke of Parma, Carlos Hugo.
Maria Antonia de Braganca was the last daughter of our king D. Miguel I.

The Braganca House became the Royal House of Portugal in 1640, after 60 years of Spanish rule.The 8th Duke of Braganca, D. Joao, became King of Portugal as D. Joao IV, after the Independence Restoration on December, 1, 1640. Last wednesday, it was holiday in my country.

Today, in Portugal, is Our Lady Conception Day (Nossa Senhora da Conceicao) and also a holiday. On March, 25, 1646, during the Restoration War (1640-1668), D. Joao IV proclaimed Our Lady of Conception as godmother and Queen of Portugal.

Since then, the Portuguese Crown was never worn again by the Portuguese monarchs and they became represented, as Queen Maria II, for example, sitting next to it.

I want to thank Maria de Menezes, the author of the blog Familia Real Portuguesa [Royal Portuguese Family] for the photos of the Dutch Royal wedding. Thank you, Maria! :-)


ana said...

Achei delicioso este post. Gostei de ver o nosso duque de Bragança.
Agora ele tem dupla nacionalidade, a portuguesa e a timorense! Estranhei esta decisão mas respeito, até porque sou republicana.

Presépio no Canal said...

Ola, Ana :-)

Eu tambem gostei muito de fazer este post :-)
Sim, o Duque de Braganca pediu nacionalidade Timorense, mas parece-me que o pedido ainda nao foi aprovado.
Por acaso, nao me espantou o pedido de D. Duarte Pio, tendo em conta os lacos afectivos que o unem a Timor e o apoio que lhes deu numa altura tao critica como nos anos oitenta. E ha a Lusofonia que o Principe tanto estima e preza... :-)
No blog da Familia Real Portuguesa, podera obter mais detalhes sobre este pedido.
Um beijinho :-) e boa semana!

Unknown said...

It's good to learn new things about the history of other countries... I didn't know that the kings or queens of P. did not wear the crown on their heads - first time I hear (well, read) such a thing.
I completely missed the royal wedding, since it took place while I was in Arg.