Thursday, 10 February 2011

Tussen de Pannen

From Almere (III)

Tussen de Pannen: Koken bij 15 culturen in Almere Bouwmeesterbuurt [Between the Pans: Cuisine from 15 cultures in Almere Architects neighbourhood] is a very special cooking book I got last Christmas from my Romanian friend, Mihaela.

This colourful cooking book is a multicultural project of Booming Bouwmeester and Woningcorporatie Ymere.
This project involved 15 participants coming from different nationalities and living actually in Almere Buiten, neighbourhood of Bouwmeesterbuurt.
This book aim is to get people closer, knowing better each others cooking traditions.

My friend Mihaela has participated in this book representing her home country, Romania (page 45).
She tells us how to cook a typical Romanian main course, Ciorba de perisoare and a typical Romanian dessert, Papanas. Lekker! Delicious!

From Coisas Minhas

Let's know which are the main courses and desserts from the other 14 countries and see some photos of the book...

Morocco: Couscous and Qrichlat (photo below), sweet buns with sesame and anise. I will like it for sure!

From Coisas Minhas

Pakistan: Pulao and Zarda (photo below), a sweet rice dessert.

From Coisas Minhas

Spain: Tortilla and Bizcocho.Oh, I like tortilla very much!

From Coisas Minhas

Egypt: Golash (known in the Netherlands as Baklava) and Golash bellahma.

From Coisas Minhas

Afghanistan: Mantoe (Mantu) and Fornie (Fernea).
In the photo below, Mantu, a dish of lamb, cumins, tomato and garlic...veryyy tasty!

From Coisas Minhas

India: Mix Pakora and Gobi Pakora.
In the photo below, Mix Pakora, a dish of potatoes, cauliflower, spinach leaves, coriander... sounds delicious!

From Coisas Minhas

Finland: Porkkanalaatikko and Karjalanpiirakka.
In the photo below, Porkkanalaatikko, a mix of carrots, nutmeg and bread crumbs...yummy!!

From Coisas Minhas

Brazil: Feijoada and Canjica. Oh, delicious!
In the photo below, Canjica.

From Coisas Minhas

Somali: Injera and Barlise (photo below).

From Coisas Minhas

Thailand: Pad Thai and Kloewaj boewat chie.

From Coisas Minhas

Turkey: Karniyarik (photo below) and Kadayif.

From Coisas Minhas

Kurdistan: Iprax and Kada.
In the photo below, Iprax, a dish of garlic, onions, eegplants, courgette, tomato, rice, lamb meat,...lekker (delicious)!!!

From Coisas Minhas

And in this one, Kada, a dadels sweet... I like dadels so much!!!

From Coisas Minhas

Netherlands: Zuurkool and Erwtensoep.

From Coisas Minhas

Jamaica: Dumplings and Snapper (photo below).

From Coisas Minhas

I've already eaten couscous, tortilla, feijoada, zuurkool, erwtensoep and baklava...and I liked very much!
And you? What have you already tasted? What do you like the most? And what would you like to try?


Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Dearest friend, I would love to try YOUR cuisine!!! I have NO idea what it would be, but I am sure it would be so delicious....what a wonderful book!!! Anita

Margarida Elias said...

Olá Sandra!
Recebi o postal e a prenda que me enviaste e gostei muito (mesmo muito). Foi uma fantástica surpresa!

Unknown said...

What a great idea to bring together all these lovely recipes!
Was the representative from Spain a guy? :D Bendito tú eres, entre todas las mujeres, aaaaaaaaaaaméeeeeeeeeeeen :D
I've had a couple of these dishes. I'll pass on the zuurkool, but I'd be willing to try all the rest!
Is the Egyptian baklavá made with the threaded pastry, that looks like very thin threads or very thin spaghetti? I've made it with the normal filo pastry, but I'd like to know where you can get the threaded kiind, which I don't know the name of...
Why didn't they invite you?!!!!

Presépio no Canal said...

@Aledys!! Did you notice? Me too! Viva La Espanha!!! Gostei de ver! :-)
I guess what you want is 1/2 pak "filodeeg"...perhaps in Toko...

Presépio no Canal said...

@Margarida: :-) Fico feliz que tenhas gostado. :-)
Beijinhos and Enjoy!!! :-)

Presépio no Canal said...

@ Castles, you are such a dearest friend! Yes, the Portuguese cuisine is,indeed, veryyyy tasty!!! :-))

ana said...

Olá Sandra,
Gostei deste post dá vontade de experimentar!
Obrigada pela atenção e gosto deste novo look, mais claro, mais alegre, diria que é uma preparação para a Primavera!
Bjs :)

Presépio no Canal said...

Ola, Ana! Obrigada! :-) A ideia foi mesma essa-chamar a Primavera- e, nao e que hoje esta sol? :-)
Um beijinho e votos de um Bom Dia! :-)