Sunday 20 January 2013

A Happy End in Piccolino

I had some annoyances this last week, but in the end of it, I had a pleasant time with my friend R. in Amsterdam.


Last week, I  had an appointment with my dental hygienist - 30 minutes of hard cleaning and to find out that I have a tooth cavity, confirmed by the dentist 15 minutes later. I got a bit upset with this. I had removed a tooth this month already. I didn't need one more thing to annoy me.


Last Thursday, I didn't sleep very well. Fofinho had nausea, he wasn't feeling well, cried a lot and just wanted me to hold him. I gave him the proper medicine, he vomited and then he felt a bit more relieved. Then I nursed him until he fell asleep.

Return of our beloved friends M. and P. to Poland

During last week I became a bit sad too, when I learnt that my friends M. and P. decided to come back to Poland. We like them very much - very polite and respectful people - and we will miss them terribly. But I understand that expat life is sometimes difficult to cope with, specially in the first years and when kids are involved - a baby and a child of 3 years old. We tried to convince them to come to Almere - it would be easier for us to give them some support and the city is very family friendly - but they really want to return to Poland and, of course, we respect their decision.

Going to Piccolino with dear R.

Luckily, my friend R. invited me to dine with her this Friday in the Italian Restaurant Piccolino in Leidseplein, Amsterdam. We had a lovely time together and I ended up the week in a very pleasant way. Piccolino is one of the oldest Italian restaurants in A'dam.
I  also enjoyed very much the break dance show given by a young male group, minutes before, in that famous A'dam square. A good way to close the week. ;-)

A photo from Piccolino, to you.... :-)

From Neve 2013

Stay well and have a nice week!

PS: The snow and the cold have come back today. Time for poffertjes, tea and TV. ;-)


Margarida Elias said...

Espero que o Fofinho já esteja bem. Beijinhos e boa semana!

Presépio no Canal said...

Obrigada, Margarida. :-)
Esta noite também foi difícil. Miava, miava e não parava. Andava aos saltos, da e para a nossa cama. Fui ver o que poderia ser - era o coração. Batia muito, de forma muito acelerada. Dei-lhe os medicamentos para o coração e a pressão alta e lá conseguiu descansar. Foi muito estranho, pois eu tinha-lhe dado a medicação no final da tarde de ontem. Agora dorme. Vamos ver se hoje conseguimos fazer uma noite de sono seguida...
Bjs e boa semana! :-)

Sami said...

As melhoras do Fofinho, e complicado quando nao se sabe o q lhes doi.

Presépio no Canal said...

Obrigada, Sami. :-) Estou a dever-lhe uma visita como deve ser ao seu blog (isto é, deixando um comment). Assim que possa, passo por lá. Hoje espera-me trabalho de limpa-neves e voltei a não dormir como deve ser. Ando com a cabeça cansada por não dormir bem...Mais uma vez, obrigada pelas palavras de apoio, Sami. :-)