Sunday, 6 June 2010

Lovely and Loyal Award

Lopa, an Indian expat and the writer of the Blog Life as it goes on, gave this beautiful award with a very interesting challenge to Presepio.
Thank you so much, Lopa ;-) Very sweet of you ;-)

From Selos Web Atribuídos

I must answer to these questions:

1. Say why you made your blog and if you expected it to be popular at all.

I began to write Presepio to help me in this new adventure.So much new information, so many differences...
I needed to organize and place myself in this new picture.
I wanted also to share experiences and help others who, like me, were searching information about the Netherlands before taking the great step. Stories in the first person, not only the official data...
I tought also that it would be a good way to know other expats from different coutries and backgrounds. A good way of making friends in the same situation.
I had no blogging experience when I began to write Presepio, so I wasn't expecting a great popularity.
I don't think Presepio is that popular. I prefer that Presepio grows slowly and with some quality. I blog to relax and for fun. No stress, no worries. Let's enjoy the moment ;-)

2. State the exact date you started your blog.

I started my blog in 3 March 2008, about 4 months after my arrival in the Netherlands (04.12.2007).

3. Nominate 5 loyal followers!

Well, I will nominate 7, but I know there are more. I don't want to be unfair, so I will nominate by the nummer of comments:

Anita from Castles, Crowns and Cottages.

Aledys from From Argentina to the Netherlands, for Love!

Margarida Elias from Memorias e Imagens

Rosa Martins from Rosa do Adro

Isabella from A Touch of Dutch

Arwa from Oranjesplaash

Anita from Greetings from Holland

So girls, now it is your turn ;-) Do you want to tell your story? The rules you already know...:-)

To all the readers of Presepio:

Don't forget to visit Lopa's blogs. This woman is a mix of talents :-) Give her a visit and find out why ;-)

A great Sunday to you all ;-)


Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Oh my dearest are the kindest, sweetest soul! I so remember finding each other! I don't know HOW it happened, but it was early on in my blogging experience! I shall try to incorporate this into my last post before I leave to California for 10 days!!!! I will post next week on a different subject, but the following will be perfect. I hope that you are having a magnificent spring, leading into summer. How was your Barbeque? Such fun to be had with lovely friends! I am excited to get back "home" to CA to visit with family and 3 blogger pals! You know my desire however, to get over to your side of the world! ONE DAY!!!


Margarida Elias said...

Muito obrigada! Tenho de fazer o post com calma, por isso só amanhã. A Sandra merece o "selo" porque de facto este blogue é fantástico!

Unknown said...

Thanks, Presépio! :o) I'll accept the challenge and will post this soon. ; )

~ Lopa said...

Awwww Sandra, that's so nice of you... You always make me smile with your sweet words :)

It was nice reading about how you started blogging. I think all of us have a few of those common factors which came as a part and parcel of expat life that how we ended up blogging. It's always nice to read and know more about each other :)

Presépio no Canal said...

Anita: Hallo! :-) The BBQ was great! Good weather and food, and most of all excellent people :-)
I hope to see you here in the NL soon ;-)
Bisous, cherie :-)

Presépio no Canal said...

Margarida, obrigada pelo simpatico e generoso comentario :-) Beijinho grande ;-)

Presépio no Canal said...

Lopa ;-) Thank's for challenge and sweet words ;-)
Have a great week :-) We will keep in touch! ;-)

ana said...

Coloquei o seu desafio depois de Margarida Elias me desafiar. Visitei o seu Presépio e é um espaço bonito.
Vou colocá-lo entre os meus blogues.
Agradeço pela minha parte esta corrente de troca de experiências.
Desejo-lhe uma boa semana!

Ana, (In)Cultura

Presépio no Canal said...

Ola Ana :-)

Muito obrigada pela sua simpatica visita e generoso comentario. ;-)

Seja muito bem-vinda a este espaco :-)

Um beijinho.


PS: Irei tambem visita-la em breve ;-)

ana said...

Muito obrigada pela sua visita e bem vinda a minha casa! :))

Anita said...

Ue ? Tinha enviado comentario que nao foi publicado. Sandra, eu vi esse seu post ontem a noite e postei ja passada a hora de dormir. Te linquei e a Lopa sim. Mas estou tendo problemas com o blogger, acho que isso esta a nivel mundial. Ou entao porque meu marido fez um update do meu provedor. Nao consigo arrastar as fotos para uma outra posicao (so se for em HTML que eu domino so intuitivamente) e nao consigo copiar e colar textos que escrevo em Word para dentro do post. Tambem ha uma outra maneira de linkar, que ue descobri na base de erro e acerto. Mas hoje de manha consertei. Beijos, Ana.

Presépio no Canal said...

Ola Anita,

Nao recebi qualquer comentario. Mas tambem nao estranhei porque ha quem responda so no proprio
blog (foi o caso da Rosa, que foi a primeira a responder ao desafio e de forma bem gira) ou envia mail a agradecer (caso da Isabella).
Espero que esses problemas se resolvam depressa. Sao sempre frustrantes. Quando li o teu post, os nossos nomes nao estavam linkados. Eu cliquei e nada. Mas tambem nao sei explicar como acontece, tendo feito os links. Gostaria de ajudar, mas nao percebo de informatica. So mesmo para uso comum...

Unknown said...

Thank you very much!
And thank you for sharing on your blog as well. So much great information which I know certainly is helpful for others, and always a treat to read what you have to share. I posted my answers up on my blog today! Have a wonderful week :-)